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The Vascular flora of Medvednica Natural park (Northwest Croatia) (CROSBI ID 491326)

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Dobrović, Iva ; Nikolić, Toni ; Hršak, Vladimir ; Jelaska, Sven D. ; Plazibat, Miško The Vascular flora of Medvednica Natural park (Northwest Croatia) // Third International Balkan Botanical Congress "Plant resources in the creation of new values" / Redžić, Sulejman ; Đug, Samir (ur.). Sarajevo: Faculty of Science of the University of Sarajevo (Center for Ecology and Natural Resources), Sarajevo, 2003. str. 28-28-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Dobrović, Iva ; Nikolić, Toni ; Hršak, Vladimir ; Jelaska, Sven D. ; Plazibat, Miško


The Vascular flora of Medvednica Natural park (Northwest Croatia)

Since the second half of 19th century, due to its interesting geological, hydrological, faunistic and floristic characteristics and its closeness to Zagreb, Medvednica has been an object of many scientific researches. In 1981, based on the "Law on Nature Protection", the western part of Medvednica became Park of Nature. Despite that, the full and up-to-date floristic inventory lacks. This paper presents the results of copiously floristic mapping activities in 1999 to 2002 based on MTB 1/64 squares and additional sum of every previous floristic research on Medvednica mountain done till now, giving the checklist of vascular flora of the Park together with additional data (life forms, diversity, abundance). On the whole, 1347 taxa of vascular plants were recorded (literature, herbarium and field observation data) within the boundaries of the Park – 14 are considered as endemic and 20 of them are protected by the "Law on Nature Protection". On the basis of distribution of the species throughout the Park, the maps of biodiversity have been made using GIS tools and CROFlora database, with the spots of high biodiversity pointed out. The results could be used in park management praxis and conservation planning.

flora; mapping; Medvednica

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Redžić, Sulejman ; Đug, Samir

Sarajevo: Faculty of Science of the University of Sarajevo (Center for Ecology and Natural Resources), Sarajevo

Podaci o skupu

Third International Balkan Botanical Congress "Plant resources in the creation of new values"



Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina

Povezanost rada
