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Network Embedded Greenhouse Monitoring and Control (CROSBI ID 491612)

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Stipaničev, Darko ; Marasović, Jadranka Network Embedded Greenhouse Monitoring and Control // CCA 2003 Proceeding of 2003 IEEE Conference on Control Applications, Istanbul, Turkey / Osman Turkay (ur.). Istanbul: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2003. str. 1350-1355-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Stipaničev, Darko ; Marasović, Jadranka


Network Embedded Greenhouse Monitoring and Control

Networked embedded systems have become quite important nowdays, especially for monitoring and control of distance and dislocated objects. Small greenhouses are typical examples. First, they are usually located far away from the owners house, and second, the plant grow is an example of the process which need constant 24 hours monitoring. In this paper networked embedded greenhouse monitoring and control based on simple embedded web servers and 1-wire protocol for connecting sensors and actuators is described. Hardware and software architecture of embedded web servers is descibed and the experimental results of monitoring and control of laboratory greenhouse model is presented.

Embedded web server; Greenhouse Monitoring and Control; Internet; Networked Embedded Systems; TINI; 1-Wire protocol

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Osman Turkay

Istanbul: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Podaci o skupu

IEEE Conference on Control Applications, Istanbul, Turkey



Istanbul, Turska

Povezanost rada
