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Development and characterization of biobased films from chitosan and gelatine with gallic acid applied as bags for olive oil storage (CROSBI ID 728252)

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Kurek, Mia ; Poldan, Petra ; Ščetar, Mario ; Descours, Emilie ; Gabrić, Domagoj ; Galić, Kata Development and characterization of biobased films from chitosan and gelatine with gallic acid applied as bags for olive oil storage // Book of Abstracts of the 10th International Congress of Food Technologists, Biotechnologists and Nutritionists / Komes, Draženka (ur.). Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo prehrambenih tehnologa, biotehnologa i nutricionista, 2022. str. 24-24

Podaci o odgovornosti

Kurek, Mia ; Poldan, Petra ; Ščetar, Mario ; Descours, Emilie ; Gabrić, Domagoj ; Galić, Kata


Development and characterization of biobased films from chitosan and gelatine with gallic acid applied as bags for olive oil storage

Due to the great commercial interest in reducing the use of single-use plastics, as well as needs for high-quality food with extended shelf-life, made a great opening for innovations in food packaging industry. Taking into account the sustainable concept, it is important to be aware of properties of used raw materials and their performance when used in contact with food product. Therefore, knowledge on structural, morphological, barrier properties of novel materials is on the top of the scientific interest before application to food. In addition, available scientific studies still rarely use novel produced combinations of biomaterials for real food product packaging. In this research, novel type of biobased films with edible properties based on chitosan and gelatine were produced. Firstly, material characterisation was done aiming to determine physico-chemical, barrier and antioxidant properties together with its biodegradability in soil. In a second stage, films were used for creation of bags pouches aimed for olive oil packaging. Gallic acid was used as antioxidant. The addition of gallic acid resulted in the significant increase in total phenolic content and changes in optical and water related properties, like hydrophilicity, water vapour permeability etc. However, the addition of gallic acid has significantly impacted the gas barrier properties (O2 and CO2) and increased the degradation time in the commercial soil.

biobased films, chitosan, gelatine, gallic acid

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Komes, Draženka

Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo prehrambenih tehnologa, biotehnologa i nutricionista


Podaci o skupu

10th International Congress of Food Technologists, Biotechnologists and Nutritionists: Smart Food for a Healthy Planet and Human Prosperity



Zagreb, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Prehrambena tehnologija