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On estimating distances by means of L_p-norms (CROSBI ID 492551)

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Marošević, Tomislav ; Šterc, Davor On estimating distances by means of L_p-norms // Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Operational Research - KOI 2002 / Šorić, Kristina ; Hunjak, Tihomir ; Scitovski, Rudolf (ur.). Zagreb : Osijek: Hrvatsko društvo za operacijska istraživanja (CRORS), 2003. str. 195-199-x

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Marošević, Tomislav ; Šterc, Davor


On estimating distances by means of L_p-norms

In problems of estimating the distance between objects in space (e.g. different cities or destinations in a geographic region), one can use a distance predicting function. Distance predicting functions transform the point coordinates of two objects into an estimate of the distance between them. We look at the weighted L_2-norm and generally the weighted L_p-norm (1<= p<=infinity) as the distance predicting functions. In the case of the weighted L_p-norm model (i.e. tau L_p models), it is necessary to estimate parameters tau and p. Then one copes with the problem of goodness-of-fit criteria for fitting the unknown parameters of a distance function to the data set. We consider this problem by an example of the set of data on road travel distances in a geographical area of the north-eastern part of Croatia.

estimating distances; L_p-norm model

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Šorić, Kristina ; Hunjak, Tihomir ; Scitovski, Rudolf

Zagreb : Osijek: Hrvatsko društvo za operacijska istraživanja (CRORS)

Podaci o skupu

The 9th International Conference on Operational Research - KOI 2002.



Trogir, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Elektrotehnika, Matematika