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Thermal decomposition kinetics of low temperature reaction of ammonium perchlorate (CROSBI ID 466260)

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Rajić, Maša ; Sućeska, Muhamed Thermal decomposition kinetics of low temperature reaction of ammonium perchlorate // 7th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry / Novak, Casaba (ur.). Hungarian Chemical Society, 1998. str. 118-118-x

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Rajić, Maša ; Sućeska, Muhamed


Thermal decomposition kinetics of low temperature reaction of ammonium perchlorate

Ammonium perchlorate is used as an oxidiser in many solid composite propellants and pyrotechnics. Its thermal decomposition kinetics and mechanism have been studied by many researchers1, 2. In this paper differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and termogravimetric analysis (TGA) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS), are used for the determination of kinetic parameters and for the identification of gaseous decomposition products of ammonium perchlorate thermal decomposition, in the temperature range 215-265 oC. From the dependence of maximum decomposition rate (obtained by the isothermal thermogravimetry measurements) on temperature, two different decomposition stages are identified. They correspond to two different structural phases of ammonium perchlorate. For the first region (215-235 oC), corresponding to orthorhombic phase, the activation energy of 139.7 kJ×mol-1, and pre-exponential factor of 1.7×10-16 s-1 are obtained, while for the second region (240-265 oC), corresponding to cubic phase, the activation energy of 128.3 kJ×mol-1, and pre-exponential factor of 1.18×10-14 s-1 are obtained.

ammonium perchlorate; isothermal decomposition; kinetics

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Novak, Casaba

Hungarian Chemical Society

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Balatonfüred, Mađarska

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