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Computer controlled triaxial testing system (CROSBI ID 463142)

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Matešić, Leo Computer controlled triaxial testing system // XI Young Geotechnical Engineers’ Conference / Uriel, Santiago (ur.). Madrid: Sociedad Espanola de Mecanica del Suelo y Cimentaciones, 1996. str. 80-87-x

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Matešić, Leo


Computer controlled triaxial testing system

This paper describes enhancement of a computer controlled triaxial testing system to perform triaxial tests. The commercial system uses a microcomputer to operate three digital pressure volume controllers that control and measure pressure and volume change of fully saturated soil specimens. Six other transducers are used to measure independently axial pressure, pore pressure, global axial strain, and local axial and radial strain. The system was enhanced to minimise disturbances during specimen set-up, to enable shear in triaxial extension and to improve some other testing procedures.

triaksijalni pokus; vođenje računalom; triaksijalni uređaj

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Uriel, Santiago

Madrid: Sociedad Espanola de Mecanica del Suelo y Cimentaciones

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