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Structural and formal features of cultural landscape in the karst area - Landscape in transition (CROSBI ID 493577)

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Aničić, Branka. ; Perica, Dražen Structural and formal features of cultural landscape in the karst area - Landscape in transition // Carpatho-Balkan Workshop on Environmental change impact in the Carpatho-Balkan Region / x (ur.). 2002. str. 35-36-x

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Aničić, Branka. ; Perica, Dražen


Structural and formal features of cultural landscape in the karst area - Landscape in transition

During a long historical continuity in the Karst area a specific landscape type has evolved due to varied climatic, geomorphological, topographic as well as socio-economic conditions. This is characterized by great typological diversity based on authentic features both of natural and cultural origin. These have occurred as a consequence of balanced economic land-uses from early periods on. The main quality of these landscapes is derived from unique agricultural land-use patterns, which constitute one of the most valuable spatial heritages in the entire Mediterranean. However, the recent evolution, mainly in the socio-economic sphere, generated far-reaching impacts in the rural areas which largely affect the integrity and traditional harmony the Karst countryside in general and the landscape in particular. The basic intention of the paper is to outline these transformations as a serious threat and immense loss of the national cultural heritage and to emphasize the great responsibility of this generation in these processes.

mediteranean karst; field pattern; curtural landscape; curtural heritage

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Carpatho-Balkan Workshop on Environmental change impact in the Carpatho-Balkan Region



Starigrad, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Poljoprivreda (agronomija)