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Kinematic Orbit Determination of LEOs Based on Zero- or Double-Difference Algorithms Using Simulated and Real SST Data. (CROSBI ID 493821)

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Švehla, Dražen ; Rothacher, M. Kinematic Orbit Determination of LEOs Based on Zero- or Double-Difference Algorithms Using Simulated and Real SST Data. // IAG 2001 Scientific Assembly, "Vistas for Geodesy in the New Millenium", Vol. 125 / Adam J. ; Schwarz, K.P. (ur.). Springer, 2002. str. 322-328-x

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Švehla, Dražen ; Rothacher, M.


Kinematic Orbit Determination of LEOs Based on Zero- or Double-Difference Algorithms Using Simulated and Real SST Data.

A method for kinematic precise orbit determination (POD) based on double-difference algorithms including ambiguity resolution has been developed and first results for the CHAMP satellite are presented here. We show that Melbourne-Wübbena wide-laning together with a bootstrapping strategy for the narrow-lane ambiguity resolution is a promising method in double-difference kinematic POD of low Earth orbiters (LEO) using the ground IGS network and LEO spaceborne GPS receiver. The ambiguity resolution strategy has been checked by comparing the ambiguities of a kinematic with a reduced-dynamic narrow-lane bootstrapping based on a reduced-dynamic orbit parameterization. Moreover, results from simulated and real CHAMP SST data have been analyzed concerning the impact of ambiguity resolution.

precise orbit determination; CHAMP

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Adam J. ; Schwarz, K.P.


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