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Impact of LEO satellites on global GPS solutions (CROSBI ID 493872)

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Rothacher, M. ; Švehla, Dražen Impact of LEO satellites on global GPS solutions // Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5. European Geosciences Union (EGU), 2003

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Rothacher, M. ; Švehla, Dražen


Impact of LEO satellites on global GPS solutions

Already at present quite a few Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) satellites (SAC­C, CHAMP, JASON­1, GRACE­1 and GRACE­2) are equipped with one or more GPS receivers for precise orbit determination or other applications (atmospheric sounding, gravity field recovery, ...). This trend will continue in the near future (e.g., with the GOCE and COSMIC missions) and we will soon have an entire "constellation" of LEO satellites tracked by GPS at our disposal. We present first results concerning the influence of LEO data on GPS orbits, ERPs, site coordinates, and troposphere zenith delays using both, variance­covariance analyses based on simulated data and combined global solutions based on real CHAMP and JASON data and the data of the global IGS network.


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European Geosciences Union (EGU)

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EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly



Nica, Francuska

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