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Kinematic, Reduced-Kinematic, Dynamic and Reduced-Dynamic Precise Orbit Determination in the LEO Orbit (CROSBI ID 493885)

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Švehla, Dražen ; Rothacher, M. Kinematic, Reduced-Kinematic, Dynamic and Reduced-Dynamic Precise Orbit Determination in the LEO Orbit. 2003

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Švehla, Dražen ; Rothacher, M.


Kinematic, Reduced-Kinematic, Dynamic and Reduced-Dynamic Precise Orbit Determination in the LEO Orbit

POD methods for Low Earth Orbiters (LEOs) using GPS measurements can be divided into four major strategies, namely, purely dynamic, purely kinematic, reduced-dynamic and what we call "reduced-kinematic" POD. Kinematic POD can be described as a point positioning method based only on the phase GPS measurements without involving any information on satellite dynamics. Dynamic and reduced-dynamic approaches are based on the equation of motion and rely on the quality of the dynamical models, e.g. the gravity field and air drag models. By estimating large numbers of dynamical or empirical parameters (e.g. air drag parameters, 1/rev terms, or stochastic pulses) we weaken the dynamics and we end up with a reduced-dynamic POD. Finally, by applying constraints between consecutive epochs to the difference between kinematic and reduced-dynamic positions in kinematic POD in order to reduce jumps due to phase breaks, we may speak of "reduced-kinematic" POD.

orbit determination; kinemtaic method; dynamic method

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2nd CHAMP Science Meeting, GeoForschungsZentrum



Potsdam, Njemačka

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