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Continuing education of pharmacists : pain and pain managment (CROSBI ID 494845)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | sažetak izlaganja sa skupa

Medić-Šarić, Marica ; Zorc, Branka ; Jasprica, Ivona ; Mornar, Ana Continuing education of pharmacists : pain and pain managment // 63rd International Congress of FIP 2003 : abstracts / Parrot, Jean (ur.). Sydney: International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), 2003. str. 83-83

Podaci o odgovornosti

Medić-Šarić, Marica ; Zorc, Branka ; Jasprica, Ivona ; Mornar, Ana


Continuing education of pharmacists : pain and pain managment

Objective was to improve and optimise pharmaceutical care. Seminaries, a written questionnaire The course &laquo ; Pain and Pain Managment&raquo ; was a part of continuing education programme for pharmacists, doctors and medical biochemists, and was organised by Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Zagreb, Croatia. Most of the patients rate the value of their pharmacist as very important in their health care and pain managment. Many of pain medicines are OTC-medications and it is very important for pharmacists to be well educated in this field. The goal of this course was to present different kinds of pain-treatments and practical up-to-date information compiled from the latest published biomedical information sources. The course was composed of the following lectures:- The Origin of Paintful Sensations &#8211 ; ; Analgesics, Antipyretics and Antiinflammatory Drugs &#8211 ; ; Opioid Analgesics &#8211 ; ; Interactions of Analgesics &#8211 ; ; Manual Therapy &#8211 ; ; Surgical Traetment of Pain &#8211 ; ; Herbal Pharmacotherapy - Analgesics in Comunity Pharmacy &#8211 ; ; Up-to-date Internet Information about Pain and Pain Managment. It took place in all bigger centers in Croatia &#8211 ; ; Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Varaždin, Rijeka, Split and Slavonski Brod. After the lectures, all participants were asked to take the knowledge test by digital voting system (DIGIVOTE) and to evaluate the course and give their suggestions. The seminaries were attended extremely well. They were evaluated by attendees as a very intresting, highly useful and successful.

pain; pain management; education; analgesics; pain treatments

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Parrot, Jean

Sydney: International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)

Podaci o skupu

International Congress of FIP (63 ; 2003)



Sydney, Australija

Povezanost rada
