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Progress on national activities on gene conservation of Mediterranean oaks in Croatia (CROSBI ID 495818)

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Ivanković, Mladen ; Gračan, Joso Progress on national activities on gene conservation of Mediterranean oaks in Croatia // IPGRI Mediteranian Oaks Network, Report of the third meeting, 6-8 Novemer 2003 / Bozzano, M. ; Turok, J. (ur.). Rim: IPGRI, European Forest Genetic Resources Programme, 2003

Podaci o odgovornosti

Ivanković, Mladen ; Gračan, Joso


Progress on national activities on gene conservation of Mediterranean oaks in Croatia

In Croatia two main species of Mediterranean oaks are Quercus ilex and Quercus pubescens. Q. ilex grows in Croatian Eumediterranean on about 70 000 ha. In Submediterranean Croatia grows Q. pubescens and it took about 110 000 ha (Hrvatske šume 2003). Research in last period: 1.) The Q. pubescens and Q. virgiliana morphologically are very similar species, and they both occur in large areas of the submediterranean part of Croatia, as well as in the small areas of dry and warm habitats in its continental part. The objective of investigation of Morphological and genetic variability of Pubescent (Quercus pubescens Willd.) and Italian oak (Q. virgiliana /Ten./ Ten.) in Croatia (Škvorc 2003) was to study the mutual relations and the taxonomic status of the populations of those two species in Croatia using the leaf morphology and the RAPD-PCR technique. 2.) Flowering of Quercus ilex was observing by Poštenjak K. & M. Gradečki (2002). During the 2000. Q. ilex in some region flowered 3 times. 3.) Twelve populations of Quercus ilex were analysed in Croatia using AFLP method. Two fragments were amplified (DT and FV) and two polymorphisms were found. Based on it two haplotypes were detected (Slade 2003). 4.) This autumn Forest Research institute, Jastrebarsko established on area of Forest office Crikvenica locality “ Krmpote” , joint experimental plot of Q. pubescens and Pinus nigra. In situ conservation: from this year (2003) Croatia has 3 Quercus ilex seed stands with total of 84, 59 ha and just one seed stand of Q. pubescens 43, 03 ha. Seed stands are arranged according to seed districts, zones and regions. The seed can only be used within one seed region. For Q. ilex there are 3 seed units in one seed zone. Seed units are North, Middle and South seed unit (Gračan 1999). Ex situ conservation: Forest Research Institute, Jastrebarsko have plan for establishing provenance test of Quercus ilex and Q. pubescens.

genetic conservation; oaks

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Bozzano, M. ; Turok, J.

Rim: IPGRI, European Forest Genetic Resources Programme

Podaci o skupu

Third Mediterranean Oaks Network Meeting



Ohrid, Sjeverna Makedonija

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