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A CHAMP-only gravity model from kinamatic orbits using the energy integral (CROSBI ID 104945)

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Gerlach, Ch. ; Foldvary, L. ; Švehla, Dražen ; Gruber, Th. ; Wermuth, M. ; Sneeuw, N. ; Frommknecht, B. ; Oberndorfer, H. ; Peters, Th. ; Rothacher, M. et al. A CHAMP-only gravity model from kinamatic orbits using the energy integral // Geophysical research letters, 30 (2003), 20; SDE 7-1 7-4-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Gerlach, Ch. ; Foldvary, L. ; Švehla, Dražen ; Gruber, Th. ; Wermuth, M. ; Sneeuw, N. ; Frommknecht, B. ; Oberndorfer, H. ; Peters, Th. ; Rothacher, M. ; Rummel, R. ; Steigenberger, P.


A CHAMP-only gravity model from kinamatic orbits using the energy integral

In this paper we present results of a global gravity field recovery using half a year of CHAMP data. We use the energy integral of the motion of a satellite to transform satellite velocities into values of gravitational potential.

CHAMP; kinematic orbit; energy integral; graviti field model

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Podaci o izdanju

30 (20)


SDE 7-1 7-4-x



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