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Most u grlu - Metonymy and conceptual integration in idiom modifications: A case study (CROSBI ID 29079)

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Buljan, Gabrijela Most u grlu - Metonymy and conceptual integration in idiom modifications: A case study // Teaching English for Life. Studies to Honour Prof. Elvira Petrović on the Occasion of Her 70th Birthday. / Kučanda, Dubravko ; Brdar, Mario ; Berić, Boris (ur.)., 2004. str. 359-371-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Buljan, Gabrijela


Most u grlu - Metonymy and conceptual integration in idiom modifications: A case study

This paper is an attempt to tackle, armed with the theory of blending (Fauconnier&Turner, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2001 ; Turner&Fauconnier, 1995, 2000), the complexity of interaction patterns holding between the cognitive mechanisms motivating a hyperbolic modification of the standard Croatian idiomatic unit kost u grlu – most u grlu. Metonymy and metaphor have both received substantial attention in recent cognitive linguistics literature, but the importance of their interaction, and the ubiquity, especially of the former, cannot be overstated. This paper will focus on the recurrence of metonymy in the creation/interpretation of the idiom, but also, in line with some recent cognitive treatments of hyperbole, it will be shown to be the conceptual prerequisite for its basic architecture in the case study presented.

metonymy, metaphor, metonymy-metaphor interaction patterns, hyperbole, theory of blending, idiom modifications

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Podaci o knjizi

Kučanda, Dubravko ; Brdar, Mario ; Berić, Boris



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