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Rudists and orthophragminids from the Adriatic carbonate platform seeing through their changes in forms and appearance (CROSBI ID 466822)

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Ćosović, Vlasta ; Moro, Alan Rudists and orthophragminids from the Adriatic carbonate platform seeing through their changes in forms and appearance // Journal of conference EUG10 : abstracts 4 / s.n. (ur.). Cambridge University Press, 1999. str. 280-280-x

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Ćosović, Vlasta ; Moro, Alan


Rudists and orthophragminids from the Adriatic carbonate platform seeing through their changes in forms and appearance

The Adriatic Carbonate Platform (ACP) (Triassic-Upper Eocene) was place where many organisms appared, evolved, spread and disappeared according to their evolutionary trends, paleoecological conditions (on local or regional scale)and tectonic synsedimentary events. Adaptation on paleoecologic conditions through changes in forms is well preserved in rudists and orthophragminids (studied on several sections exposed alon the Eastern Adriatic Coast).

rudists; orthophragminids; Adriatic carbonate platform; upper cretaceous; paleogene

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Cambridge University Press

Podaci o skupu

European Union of Geosciences Conference 10



Strasbourg, Francuska

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