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Towards more efficient organisation of Design Society conferences (CROSBI ID 497033)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | stručni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Pavković, Neven ; Štorga, Mario ; Deković, Damir ; Marjanović, Dorian Towards more efficient organisation of Design Society conferences // Proceedings of the DESIGN 2004 / Marjanović, Dorian (ur.). Zagreb : Glasgow: The Design Society ; FSB, 2004. str. 1375-1382-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Pavković, Neven ; Štorga, Mario ; Deković, Damir ; Marjanović, Dorian


Towards more efficient organisation of Design Society conferences

This paper has emerged from author's experience as organisers of four conferences from "Design" series: Design '98, Design 2000, Design 2002 and Design 2004. This is not a scientific paper about research, rather it is a report about the development of communication means for design research community. The basic aim of this paper is to suggest some ideas that could further improve the organisation and quality of conferences organized by the Design Society. Several organisational issues are discussed: announcing, initial concept of programme and scope, organisation of the information flow, review issues and automation of conference organisation tasks.

engineering design conference; organisation; information flow control and management

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Marjanović, Dorian

Zagreb : Glasgow: The Design Society ; FSB

Podaci o skupu

8th International Design Conference, DESIGN 2004



Cavtat, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada
