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Generic Product Structure of the Configurable Product (CROSBI ID 497035)

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Pavlić, Davor ; Štorga, Mario ; Bojčetić, Nenad ; Marjanović, Dorian Generic Product Structure of the Configurable Product // Proceedings of the DESIGN 2004 / Marjanović, Dorian (ur.). Zagreb : Glasgow: The Design Society ; FSB, 2004. str. 459-464-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Pavlić, Davor ; Štorga, Mario ; Bojčetić, Nenad ; Marjanović, Dorian


Generic Product Structure of the Configurable Product

This paper concentrates on the generic product structure of the configurable product. A generic product structure refers to the data description that represents modular product architectures, requirements, constraints and their values. The modular architecture used in the generic product structure consists of the generic modules and the instances of the generic modules. The generic modules enable defining a configurable product on which all variants of the product family are based. Further diversification of generic modules into module instances enables defining each module instance by the customer's demands. A concept of the generic product structure is developed according to the STEP standard.

generic product structure; configurable product; modular architecture; product family; mass customization

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Marjanović, Dorian

Zagreb : Glasgow: The Design Society ; FSB

Podaci o skupu

8th International Design Conference, DESIGN 2004



Cavtat, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada
