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Process identification based on linear regression of data measured through the Internet (CROSBI ID 498167)

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Marasović, Jadranka ; Čić, Maja ; Žuvela, Miljenko Process identification based on linear regression of data measured through the Internet // Proceedings of SoftCOM 2003 Internacional Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks / Begušić, Dinko ; Rožić, Nikola (ur.). Split: Fakultet elektrotehnike, strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Splitu, 2003. str. 454-457-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Marasović, Jadranka ; Čić, Maja ; Žuvela, Miljenko


Process identification based on linear regression of data measured through the Internet

Development of information and communication technologies has allowed new ideas in control theory too. The remote control through the Internet permits the client to monitor measured data and to make decisions from anywhere. We developed embedded system that gathers and routes data from local monitoring devices for centralised readout and control through the Internet. A distant client receives all necessary information concerning process through measured data in form of time series. This paper describes the use of quantitative forecasting based on linear regression method in process identification according to data acquired through the Internet.

linear regression; identification for control; remote control

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Begušić, Dinko ; Rožić, Nikola

Split: Fakultet elektrotehnike, strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Splitu

Podaci o skupu

SoftCOM 2003 Internacional Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks



Ancona, Italija; Venecija, Italija; Dubrovnik, Hrvatska; Split, Hrvatska

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