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Human Motion Identification (CROSBI ID 498237)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | izvorni znanstveni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Zanchi, Vlasta ; Šupuk, Tamara Human Motion Identification // Workshop on Signals and Systems in Human Motion / Begusic, Dinko ; Dujmić, Hrvoje ; Zanchi, Vlasta (ur.). Split: Faculty of Electrical Eng, Mech.Eng and Naval Arch.-Split, 2004. str. 1-7-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Zanchi, Vlasta ; Šupuk, Tamara


Human Motion Identification

The paper gives the short impression about Laboratory for Identification of Human Movement, including the software support. Six modules introduce the student to the fundamentals in identification of human locomotion. The modules are: measurement of anthropometric parameters, center of mass of a complex structure, measurement and analysis of ground reaction forces during walking, kinemtics of human gait, electromyography, calculation of moments using inverse dynamics. Each module generally have introductory theoretical part, case example and exercise for student. Also with each module comes autonomous software support. The student is supposed to do measurement and analysis of data for each module.

gait laboratory; human movement; antropometric parameters; electromyography; kinematics

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Begusic, Dinko ; Dujmić, Hrvoje ; Zanchi, Vlasta

Split: Faculty of Electrical Eng, Mech.Eng and Naval Arch.-Split

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Split, Hrvatska

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