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Growth of probiotic bacteria in reconstituted whey (CROSBI ID 498558)

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Drgalić, Ida ; Tratnik, Ljubica ; Božanić, Rajka Growth of probiotic bacteria in reconstituted whey // Book of Abstracts. Milk & Dairy products ; European Dairy Congress 03 / . (ur.). Ljubljana: Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, 2003. str. 64-x

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Drgalić, Ida ; Tratnik, Ljubica ; Božanić, Rajka


Growth of probiotic bacteria in reconstituted whey

Whey is nutritive very valuable byproduct in the cheese industry, which is unfortunately still not used enough in food industry. The whey contains proteins of the highest biological value, affluent mineral content and B group of vitamins. Considering nutritive value and health benefits of whey, the purpose of this research was to explore the possibilities of using whey as a fermented drink. The first step was to determine the growth of probiotic strains Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5, Bifidobacterium bifidum Bb-12 and Lactobacillus casei Lc-01 in reconstituted sweet whey with 6 % of total solids at 37 °C. The effect of prebiotic inulin addition on fermentation and bacteria survival during 28 days of storage at approximately 5 °C was also investigated. Low heat pasteurization, at 63 °/ 30 minutes, showed unsatisfactory results therefore for further research pasteurization at 74 °C / instantly was applied. Generally, increase of viable cells of all investigated strains of bacteria during 24 hours of fermentation was small, in average one logarithmic unit. During fermentation, inulin addition had no effect on bacterial growth and on sensory properties of fermented whey. Sensory scores of all fermented beverages were the best after 18 hours of fermentation. The lowest sensory score had whey fermented with Bifidobacterium bifidum Bb-12 strain because unacceptable flavor and taste. Whey fermented with Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5 or Lactobacillus casei Lc-01 strain showed satisfactory sensory characteristic.

whey; fermentation; probiotic bacteria

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Ljubljana: Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana

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Milk & Dairy products ; European Dairy Congress 03



Portorož, Slovenija

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