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Stress Correction in Spur Tooth Root (CROSBI ID 467133)

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Marunić, Gordana Stress Correction in Spur Tooth Root // Proceedings of the International Conference"Theory and Practice of Gearing" / V.I.Goldfarb (ur.). Iževsk: IFTOMM, 1998. str. 85-90-x

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Marunić, Gordana


Stress Correction in Spur Tooth Root

The state of stress in spur tooth root is determined by means of the three-diomensional finite element method. The calculations are performed for the gears loaded by uniform load distribution along the tooth tip, varying the gear teeth number, the rim thickness and the tooth facewidth. On the basis of computed maximum tensile and equvalent Von Mises root stresses, the stress correction factors are defined in relation to the standards DIN 3990/ISO 6336, to underline the difference refering to usual two-dimensional approach for spur gear analysis.

spur gear; stress correction; tooth root; 3DFEM

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Iževsk: IFTOMM

Podaci o skupu

Theory and Practice of Gearing



Iževsk, Ruska Federacija

Povezanost rada
