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The Politics of Memory in Croatian Socialist Culture: Some Remarks (CROSBI ID 108904)

Prilog u časopisu | izvorni znanstveni rad

Jambrešić-Kirin, Renata The Politics of Memory in Croatian Socialist Culture: Some Remarks // Narodna umjetnost : hrvatski časopis za etnologiju i folkloristiku, 41 (2004), 1; 125-143-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Jambrešić-Kirin, Renata


The Politics of Memory in Croatian Socialist Culture: Some Remarks

In this paper the author examines the key role of the mass media and popular culture in the change of memory practices in the socialist memory culture of World War II. Rather than answers, the paper offers guidelines for the understanding of the place of the Yugoslav popular culture as a central place for the perpetuation of ideological patterns of historical memory.

socialist culture of memory; popular culture; World War II; Croatia

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Povezanost rada

Filologija, Etnologija i antropologija