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Proinflammatory cytokines in antilipopolysaccharide immunity against Klebsiella infections (CROSBI ID 109121)

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Rukavina, Tomislav ; Vasiljev, Vanja ; Tićac, Brigita Proinflammatory cytokines in antilipopolysaccharide immunity against Klebsiella infections // Mediators of inflammation, 2 (2005), 88-95-x

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Rukavina, Tomislav ; Vasiljev, Vanja ; Tićac, Brigita


Proinflammatory cytokines in antilipopolysaccharide immunity against Klebsiella infections

Aim: This study was undertaken to determine whether proinflammatory cytokines are involved in previously described protection against Klebsiella infection mediated by antilipopolysaccharide antibodies. Methods: BALB/c mice were infected intraperitoneally with a lethal challenge of Klebsiella pneumoniae Caroli. One group of mice was protected with monoclonal antibodies against lipopolysaccharide prior to infection and the second did not. At different time points we determined the number of colony-forming units in the blood of infected animals and paralleled these with the plasma levels of five proinflammatory cytokines measured by enzyme immunoassays. Major findings and conclusions: Our results suggest that between two groups of animals all cytokines tested expressed different plasma concentrations. The greatest difference was detected 24 hours post infection with higher production in the unprotected group. We concluded that the reduced cytokine production is involved in the survival of protected animals.

Klebsiella pneumoniae; proinflammatory cytokines; antillipopolysaccharide immunity

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