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Atrazine effect on specific cytosol and nuclear receptors in rat ventral prostate (CROSBI ID 467339)

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Jakominić, Mihela ; Šimić, Branimir ; Kniewald, Zlatko ; Kniewald, Jasna Atrazine effect on specific cytosol and nuclear receptors in rat ventral prostate // International Congress of Toxicology - ICT VIII, Toxicology Letters, Volume 95, Supplement 1 / Kehrer, J. P. ; Dekant, W. ; Oehme, F. W. et al. (ur.). Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1998. str. 148-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Jakominić, Mihela ; Šimić, Branimir ; Kniewald, Zlatko ; Kniewald, Jasna


Atrazine effect on specific cytosol and nuclear receptors in rat ventral prostate

The androgen 3H-5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone (3H-DHT) has been used to characterize specific cytosol receptors (CR) and nuclear receptors (NR) in rat ventral prostate under atrazine influence. The study of atrazine-blocking effects on 3H-DHT-CR complex in rat ventral prostate was preformed by using sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation. The formation was observed at ~12S. In vitro addition of 0.7 ľmoles of atrazine inhibited the 3H-DHT-CR complex formation by 37% respectively. Characterization of NR in rat ventral prostate under in vitro addition of 0.7 ľmoles of atrazine and in vivo i.p. treatment with 60 and 120 mg atrazine per kg bw./ 10 days daily was performed by 12% SDS-PAGE and by Scatchard analysis. The 3H-DHT-NR complex from rat prostate analysed by SDS-PAGE was detected at Mr~67 kD. Binding of 3H-DHT to NR in rat prostate was blocked for 41% in the presence of 0.7 ľmoles of atrazine. The number of binding sites on NR molecules evaluated by Scatchard analysis showed the decrease of 3H-DHT-NR complex formation in the presence of 0.7 ľmoles of atrazine, while Kd value was without change ~10-12 M.

androgen receptors; ventral prostate; atrazine; rat

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Kehrer, J. P. ; Dekant, W. ; Oehme, F. W. ; Menzel, D. B.

Amsterdam: Elsevier

Podaci o skupu

International Congress of Toxicology - ICT VIII, "Chemical Safety for the 21st Century"



Pariz, Francuska

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Prehrambena tehnologija