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izvor podataka: crosbi

Urbanizacija Podsljemena (CROSBI ID 339809)

Ocjenski rad | magistarski rad (mr. sc. i mr. art.)

Hren, Josip Urbanizacija Podsljemena / Toskić, Aleksandar (mentor); Zagreb, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb, . 2003

Podaci o odgovornosti

Hren, Josip

Toskić, Aleksandar


Urbanizacija Podsljemena

Podsljeme is the city district farthest on the North and highest - relief part of Zagreb. This city distict is very steep afforested, so it is inhabited (urbanised) only in its Southernmost and South Easternmost parts. The rest belongs to Nature Park Medvednica. The Park is known as one of Zagreb's most important recreational-excursion areas. During Socialism, especially in the sixties and seventies, many illegal houses were built in this district. This period was also characterized by relocation of inhabited area which means that the focus was moved from the top of the ribs and stream terraces into valleys, and because of that this area began to lose its physiognomic and functional features of a village. New inbabitants have jobs in the city and are not engaged in farming. At the same time local people are also looking for new jobs that are not related to agriculture. Data analysis based on polls and different maps have proved that since 1990, Southwestern part of inhabited area (with good traffic connections with the city and also well equipped utility infrastructure) is inhabited by new population who is buying flats in newly built "urban villas" and who, based on some social and economic indicators can be called "elite". This Southwestern inhabited area is gradually transforming into elite residence. The Southeastern part of inhabited area is not, for now, considered to be an elitist part of the city and it still has some agricultural characteristics - one part of population is still engaged into agriculture, but mostly as an extra occupation.

gradska četvrt; Podsljeme; park prirode; urbanizacija; bespravna izgradnja;

nije evidentirano


Podsljeme Urbanization

nije evidentirano

city district; Podsljeme; Nature Park; urbanization; illegal building;

nije evidentirano

Podaci o izdanju




Podaci o ustanovi koja je dodijelila akademski stupanj

Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Zagreb


Povezanost rada
