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Health Status Impairments in Shipyard Employees (CROSBI ID 24201)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Trošić, Ivančica ; Brumen, Vlatka Health Status Impairments in Shipyard Employees // Relationships Between Respiratory Disease and Exposure to air Pollution / Mohr, U. (ur.). Washington (MD): Elsevier, 1998. str. 403-408-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Trošić, Ivančica ; Brumen, Vlatka


Health Status Impairments in Shipyard Employees

Human study on male shipyard workers (N=547; x=46.3 years aged; x=22.5 years exposed) has been carried out in order to assess the health status and appearance of airways disease based on workplace exposure. Seventy-nine out of 547 workers had diffuse interstitial lung fibrosis (G2), 104 developed a reaction affecting both pleura and lung (G3), and 194 of them suffered from pleural fibrosis (G4), whereas 170 of the examined workers remained lung disease free (G1). There is an evidence that persons with asbestosis are at much greater risk of lung cancer than those similarly exposed without asbestosis. Thus, one or more "extended test criteria" should be included concurrently with traditional criteria in diagnostic differentiation of asbestos-related diseases, to test if asbestos action would be reflected in markers of sistemic immunity. This could, ultimately , be useful as predictors in the possible development of asbestos-related neoplasms. In this study, standard laboratory methods for identification of T-and B-lymphocytes and serum immunoglobulin levels were used.The statistical significance was assessed by Kruskal-Wallis test. A significant elevation of the serum immunoglobulin levels were noted in the G3 group, diagnosed as asbestosis of lung and pleura, in comparison to those diagnosed as interstitial asbestosis (G2) and fibrosis of the pleura (G4). A significant decrease in the percentage of T-lymphocytes in G2, G3 and G4 group was found in comparison to disease free individuals.The imbalance between cellular and humoral components of immune response in patients with asbestos-related lung diseasea, particularly in those where fibrosis occurred in both lung and pleura, was found. The imbalance was evidenced by depression of cell-mediated immunity, coupled with a heightended propensity towards the production of serum immunoglobulins. This work setts of evidence of serious clinical and immunological impairments in lung disease established shipyard employees.

shipyard employees, systemic immunity, cellular, humoral

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Podaci o knjizi

Mohr, U.

Washington (MD): Elsevier



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