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Noise Barriers and Landscape Experience in development of the Croatia highway system, (CROSBI ID 502666)

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Aničić, Branka ; Rechner Iva ; Krivak Obadić, Vlatka Noise Barriers and Landscape Experience in development of the Croatia highway system, // 9th IENE conference 2003 "Habitat Fragmentation due to Transport Infrastructure & Presentation of the COST 341 action" : proceedings (CD) 2003

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Aničić, Branka ; Rechner Iva ; Krivak Obadić, Vlatka


Noise Barriers and Landscape Experience in development of the Croatia highway system,

The ongoing construction of a highway system in the Republic of Croatia aims at the development of a modern transportation infrastructure that will connect it with the neighbouring countries. The highway with its accompanying facilities presents an exceptionally large physical structure which calls for an appropriate, consideration of its spatial performance. Within this context an integration of noise barriers into the landscape triggers a number of issues to be solved, such as a positioning and material of barriers, possible interruption of their alignment for achieving a less monotonous rhythm, a role of vegetation etc. As highways are passing different geographic areas of the country (the karstic Mediterranean, highlands, Pannonian plain) the landscape features vary significantly. The proposed design solutions have attempted to adapt to these features, and emphasise some that could contribute to the local identity. The main emphasis was placed on natural barriers, i.e. grass-covered embankments which, when higher facilities were required, would be complemented by technical walls.


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IENE meeting (9 ; 2003)



Bruxelles, Belgija

Povezanost rada

Poljoprivreda (agronomija)