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Ownership Restructuring of Banks in CEE Countries (CROSBI ID 503145)

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Stojanović, Alen Ownership Restructuring of Banks in CEE Countries // Management, Knowledge and EU / Florjančič, Jože i dr. (ur.). Kranj: Moderna organizacija, 2004. str. 257 &#8211 ; ; ;-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Stojanović, Alen


Ownership Restructuring of Banks in CEE Countries

Economic systems of Central and East European countries have experienced numerous changes in the last decade. In the transition process from planned to market economies, banking systems in these countries have also been significantly changed. This paper points to the very important trend of banks’ ownership restructuring in CEE countries – reduction in number of banks in state ownership and growth in number of banks in private, especially foreign ownership.

bank; ownership restructuring; CEE countries

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Podaci o prilogu

257 &#8211 ; ; ;-x.



Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Florjančič, Jože i dr.

Kranj: Moderna organizacija

Podaci o skupu

23rd International Scientific Conference "Management, Knowledge and EU"



Portorož, Slovenija

Povezanost rada
