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Dependence og the tightness of knitted fabric on structure density and yarn properties (CROSBI ID 503187)

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Fatkić, Edin ; Srdjak, Miroslav ; Skenderi, Zenun ; Vrljičak, Zlatko Dependence og the tightness of knitted fabric on structure density and yarn properties // Annals of DAAAM for 2002 & Proceedings of the 13th International DAAAM Symposium / Katalinić, Branko (ur.). 2002. str. 165-166-x

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Fatkić, Edin ; Srdjak, Miroslav ; Skenderi, Zenun ; Vrljičak, Zlatko


Dependence og the tightness of knitted fabric on structure density and yarn properties

The effects of different factors on the tightness of knitted fabrics were examined. Some samples of 1x1 rib knitted fabrics were made. By measuring of the density of the structure, the length of loop and the thickness of knitted fabrics the structural parameters of knitted fabrics, the structural parameters of samples of knitted fabrics were determined by means of which the parameters tightness of knitted fabrics were estiminated.

knitting; parameters; yarn; modelling

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