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Uneveness of mass in worsted yarn production for wool/PES blend (CROSBI ID 503385)

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Skenderi, Zenun ; Srdjak, Miroslav Uneveness of mass in worsted yarn production for wool/PES blend // Annals od DAAAM for 2003 & Proceedings of 14th DAAAM Symposium / Katalinić, Branko (ur.). 2003. str. 423-424-x

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Skenderi, Zenun ; Srdjak, Miroslav


Uneveness of mass in worsted yarn production for wool/PES blend

A worsted processing route for blend wool/polyester and blending ratio of 45/55 from top was analysed. The processing stages at which the mass eveness has to be analysed were shown. A prediction of yarn uneveness spun of 18 tex with 560 t/m with certain top and roving mass uneveness was given. In despite of the periodical faults in tops as well as roving that were appeared in different processing stages, the yarn quality with respect to the mass uneveness has a relatively high level.

spinning; yarn; worsted; mass; uneveness

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