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An Immune Based Optimization Method for Optimal Distribution Network Design (CROSBI ID 503754)

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Skok, Minea ; Keko, Hrvoje ; Škrlec, Davor An Immune Based Optimization Method for Optimal Distribution Network Design // Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications as part of the 22nd IASTED International Multi-Conference on Applied Informatics / Hamza, M.H. (ur.). International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED), 2004. str. 501-506-x

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Skok, Minea ; Keko, Hrvoje ; Škrlec, Davor


An Immune Based Optimization Method for Optimal Distribution Network Design

The immune system is the one of the adaptive biological system whose functions are to identify and to eliminate foreign material. In this paper we propose general algorithm derived primarily to perform optimization tasks emphasizing combinatorial optimization. It is based on immune model to optimally design spatially closed electrical distribution networks. Some practical examples were used to investigate the performance of the immune algorithm. The results of the simulations represent that the immune algorithm shows good performance for such hard combinatorial optimization problem.

immune system; evolutionary algorithm; distribution network; optimal design

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IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications



Innsbruck, Austrija

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