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Strategies of Tourism Alternatives (CROSBI ID 30518)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Ivanović, Vanja Strategies of Tourism Alternatives // Traffic and tourism in Croatia and Poland / Mrnjavac, Edna (ur.). Opatija: Fakultet za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu Sveučilišta u Rijeci, 2003. str. 137-149-x

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Ivanović, Vanja


Strategies of Tourism Alternatives

There are some new forms of spending leisure time appearing on tourist market in last twenty five years. One of them is leasing of accommodation form short period of time, so called - timesharing. In our opinion it is a significant megatrend on the international tourist market. Practically, this is an industry with numerous characteristics, specific market, connotations and implications. By the end of this and in the first decades of next century, it will reach the importance of tour package industry. In this article, we point out the aspects of defining of the notion of timesharing, its characteristic, management, financial aspects, its developing and the user on the base of USA, Great Britain and some other countries experience. There are also some practical examples as the illustration of the theoretical attitudes. Logically, we consider that knowing of developing of timesharing in foreign countries would be indicative for futures tourist policy as well as business policy of tourist enterprises and other subjects of countries in which that kind of operating is not developed but they wont to develop it with purpose of complet)ng their tourist offer in modern tourist market.

tourism alternatives, timesharing, facility management

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Mrnjavac, Edna

Opatija: Fakultet za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu Sveučilišta u Rijeci



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