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Kinetics of isothermal thermooxidative degradation of poly(vinyl chloride)/chlorinated polyethylene blends (CROSBI ID 111987)

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Stipanelov Vrandečić, Nataša ; Andričić, Branka ; Klarić, Ivka ; Kovačić, Tonka Kinetics of isothermal thermooxidative degradation of poly(vinyl chloride)/chlorinated polyethylene blends // Polymer degradation and stability, 90 (2005), 3; 455-460-x

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Stipanelov Vrandečić, Nataša ; Andričić, Branka ; Klarić, Ivka ; Kovačić, Tonka


Kinetics of isothermal thermooxidative degradation of poly(vinyl chloride)/chlorinated polyethylene blends

The thermooxidative degradation of poly(vinyl chloride)/chlorinated polyethylene blends of different compositions was investigated by means of isothermal thermogravimetry in flowing atmosphere of synthetic air at temperatures 240-270 oC. The main degradation processes are dehydrochlorination of PVC and CPE. For calculation of the apparent activation energy and apparent pre-exponential factor two kinetic methods were used: isoconversional method and Prout-Tompkins method. True compensation dependency between Arrhenius parameters, obtained using Prout-Tompkins model, was found. Calculated kinetic parameters of isothermal thermooxidative degradation are close to those from nonisothermal degradation and confirm the assumption of the main degradation process in PVC/CPE blends.

isothermal thermogravimetry; kinetic analysis; PVC/CPE blends; thermooxidative degradation

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