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Miscibility and Thermo-oxidative Degradation of Poly(vinyl chloride)/Biodegradable Aliphatic-aromatic Copolyester Blends (CROSBI ID 111988)

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Andričić, Branka ; Kovačić, Tonka ; Klarić, Ivka Miscibility and Thermo-oxidative Degradation of Poly(vinyl chloride)/Biodegradable Aliphatic-aromatic Copolyester Blends // Journal of applied polymer science, 100 (2006), 2158-2163-x

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Andričić, Branka ; Kovačić, Tonka ; Klarić, Ivka


Miscibility and Thermo-oxidative Degradation of Poly(vinyl chloride)/Biodegradable Aliphatic-aromatic Copolyester Blends

The miscibility of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) and biodegradable aliphatic-aromatic copolyester (AAC) was investigated by DSC. The thermo-oxidative degradation of the blends was investigated thermogravimetrically. The blends were prepared by dissolving in 1, 2-dichloroethane and by precipitating with methanol. Investigated blends are completely miscible with the glass transition temperatures best predicted by Fox equation. FT-IR analysis showed that the interactions responsible for miscibility are hydrogen bonding between blend components. The thermo-oxidative stability of PVC/AAC blends is improved compared to pure PVC. Furthermore, when AAC is added the dehydrochlorination rate of PVC decreases and the maximum rate shifts to higher temperatures.

aliphatic-aromatic polyester; FT-IR; miscibility; PVC blends; thermogravimetric analysis.

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