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The use and protection of the strategic resources of potable water from the Dinaric karst aquifers of Croatia (CROSBI ID 467810)

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Biondić, Božidar ; Pavičić, Ante The use and protection of the strategic resources of potable water from the Dinaric karst aquifers of Croatia // Gambling with Groundwater / J.V. Brahana, Y. Eckstein, L.K. Ongley, R. Schneider, J.E. Moor (ur.). Las Vegas (NV): American Institute of Hydrology, USA, 1998. str. 645-653-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Biondić, Božidar ; Pavičić, Ante


The use and protection of the strategic resources of potable water from the Dinaric karst aquifers of Croatia

The Croatian urban water supply is based mainly on the use of local aquifers which, because of increasing development are becoming ever more vulnerable to pollution. It relates particularly to the alluvial aquifers of two large rivers in northern Croatia, the Sava and Drava. At the same time, the karst aquifers in the areas of large towns have shown low deterioration trends, too. Only time will tell how soon even these karst aquifers pass the prescribed limit of potable water quality, in spite of high protection measures in these areas. Under such conditions, the Croatian scientists have introduced the idea of ţţstrategic resources" of potable groundwater in the Dinaric mountainous karst areas of Croatia that, if accepted and realised, will assure the future public potable water supply. In this way, mountainous karst aquifers have to be specially protected. It's important to point out that the Dinaric Mountains are very rich in precipitation (up to 4000 mm/year) and of considerable retention capacity which sustain basic outflow, even during long summer dry seasons. In this paper, two cases of valuable karst aquifers in the Dinarides (strategic resources) are presented along with the necessary protection measures (e.g., at the construction of new highways, the management of wastewater from the settlements in the study areas etc.)

Strategic resources of potable water; Dinaric karst aquifers; Vulnerability risk; Protection zones

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

J.V. Brahana, Y. Eckstein, L.K. Ongley, R. Schneider, J.E. Moor

Las Vegas (NV): American Institute of Hydrology, USA

Podaci o skupu

Gambling with Groundwater



Las Vegas (NV), Sjedinjene Američke Države

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