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Onshore structures critical load and selection of design solution (CROSBI ID 467875)

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Ivandić, Krešimir ; Verić, Franjo Onshore structures critical load and selection of design solution // Geotechnical Hazards / Marić, Božica ; Lisac, Zvonimir ; Szavits-Nossan, Antun (ur.). Rotterdam : Boston (MA) : Taipei: A.A. Balkema Publishers, 1998. str. 535-540-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Ivandić, Krešimir ; Verić, Franjo


Onshore structures critical load and selection of design solution

In the paper the analysis of the kinetic energy absoption of the ship while putting to the onshore structure is presented in a variant when the total energy is absorbed by elastic fenders and in a variant when the total ship kinetic energy is absorbed by fenders and onshore structure through their deformations without any effect of soil and respecting the deformability of the soil, that is, the energy delivered into the soil. Great differences between the mentioned approaches are evident concerning the distribution of dispalcements and internal forces in the structure which is particularly expressed at the computation of pile ultimate bearing capacity. A rationalization of the force reduced by approximativelly 30 percent as compared to the standard solutions provides an absorption of the ship kinetic energy while puting ashore at a speed greater than permited.

onshore structure; pile; design; kinetic energy; lateral load

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Marić, Božica ; Lisac, Zvonimir ; Szavits-Nossan, Antun

Rotterdam : Boston (MA) : Taipei: A.A. Balkema Publishers

Podaci o skupu

XI Danube-European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering



Poreč, Hrvatska

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