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Results of geotechnical laboratory tests on soil samples from UC Riverside Campus (CROSBI ID 750119)

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Matešić, Leo ; Vučetić, Mladen Results of geotechnical laboratory tests on soil samples from UC Riverside Campus // UCLA Research Report No. ENG-98-198. 1998.

Podaci o odgovornosti

Matešić, Leo ; Vučetić, Mladen


Results of geotechnical laboratory tests on soil samples from UC Riverside Campus

The report describes the results of seven geotechnical cyclic simple shear tests and accompaning soli classification tests obtained on intact soil samples from a borehole located at the University of California, Riverside. The tests were performed in a newly designed double-specimen direct simple shear (DSDSS) device for small-strain testing. Each test consisted of several cyclic strain-contolled stages covering the range of cyclic shear strain amplitudes between 0.0001 to 10 percents. The results are presented in terms of the shear strain time histories, shear stress time histories, stress-strain curves, secant shear modulus vs. shear strain curves, and equivalent viscous damping vs. shear strain curves. The results exhibit expected trends with classification properties. The effects of the rate of straining and frquency were investigated in detail and are sistematically presented.

cyclic loading; laboratory testing; silty sand; small strain; stiffness; damping

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Podaci o izdanju

UCLA Research Report No. ENG-98-198


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