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The sea water influence on karstic aquifers in Croatia (CROSBI ID 30891)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Biondić, Božidar ; Biondić, Ranko ; Kapelj, Sanja The sea water influence on karstic aquifers in Croatia // COST Environment 621 Action: Groundwater management of coastal karstic aquifers. Final report / Tulipano, Luigi (ur.). Luxembourg: European Communities, 2005. str. 303-311-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Biondić, Božidar ; Biondić, Ranko ; Kapelj, Sanja


The sea water influence on karstic aquifers in Croatia

The problem of salinization of coastal karstic aquifers in Croatia has been in the focus of investigatior for almost half a century. It has multiplied towards the end of this century as both the growth of the cities and the magnitude of tourism have caused a higher demand of potable water and the only solution is over-exploitation of springs. Earlier studies were focused on the geometry and the change of aquifer potential. The mitigation constructions due to such approaches were too shallow and non-functional. The new investigations penetrate much deeper and much more complex. The dynamics of saline and fresh water mixing in the karstic aquifers are studied and the hydrogeochemical models are used to predict the dynamics of the changes. The cases of the Perilo spring in the Bakar Bay, Martinšćica and Novljanska Žrnovnica are used to portray some of the methods and possibilities of such investigations in coastal karstic aquifers.

coastal karst aquifers, salt-fresh water relation, overexploitation, hydrochemical modelling, research methods

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Podaci o knjizi

Tulipano, Luigi

Luxembourg: European Communities



Povezanost rada

Rudarstvo, nafta i geološko inženjerstvo