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Changes of Some Thermophysical Properties of Nitrocellulose Propellants during Accelerated Aging (CROSBI ID 506134)

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Rajić Linarić, Maša ; Sućeska, Muhamed ; Matečić Mušanić, Sanja Changes of Some Thermophysical Properties of Nitrocellulose Propellants during Accelerated Aging // New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials. Book of Abstracts / Zeman, Svatopluk (ur.). Pardubice: University of Pardubice, 2005. str. 758-764-x

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Rajić Linarić, Maša ; Sućeska, Muhamed ; Matečić Mušanić, Sanja


Changes of Some Thermophysical Properties of Nitrocellulose Propellants during Accelerated Aging

The ageing of nitrocellulose propellants causes changes of a number of relevant propellants properties (decrease of nitrocellulose molar mass, decrease of stabiliser content, change of thermophysical properties, etc.). The quality of propellants at a given moment of time, i.e. their stability, may be determined by measuring these properties. The changes of some thermophysical properties of nitrocellulose propellant during accelerated aging have been studied in this paper applying differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The series of nitrocellulose propellant sample were aged in temperature range between 80 up to 100 &ordm ; C. It was found out that some DSC parameters of aged nitrocellulose propellants differ significantly (temperature of maximum and width at half height of DSC peak increase, height and reaction enthalpy decrease). This suggests that the information derived from DSC measurements can help in nitrocellulose propellant stability evaluation.

thermophysical properties; nitrocellulose propellants; accelerated aging

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Zeman, Svatopluk

Pardubice: University of Pardubice

Podaci o skupu

New trends of energetic materials



Pardubice, Češka Republika

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