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Calculation Methods and their Influence upon the Business of a Company (CROSBI ID 467935)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | izvorni znanstveni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Motik, Darko ; Figurić, Mladen Calculation Methods and their Influence upon the Business of a Company // Zborník z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Nove trendy v systemoch riadenia podnikov / Gazda, M. (ur.). Herl'any: SjF TU v Košicah, 1998. str. 123-127

Podaci o odgovornosti

Motik, Darko ; Figurić, Mladen


Calculation Methods and their Influence upon the Business of a Company

The choice of calculation is very important factor for succesful business for every firm, and it is necessary to pay special attention on it. There is no calculation that can provide exact cost price for particular product, but if wrong calculation is used there could provide wrong decision regarding products on the market. It is possible to except the product from the market because of the losses in calculation, or to develop a product because of the profits in calculation, although the reality is quite opposite. Therefore, in this paper calculation methods based on real data will be presented, and priority will be given to the method that provides most acceptable cost price calculation. Methods with full costs calculation will be presented as well as methods with parlty costs calculation.

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Gazda, M.

Herl'any: SjF TU v Košicah

Podaci o skupu

Nove trendy v systemoch riadenia podnikov



Herľany, Slovačka

Povezanost rada

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