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The Correlation between the Realization of time Quota and the Spoilage Percentage in Mechanical Manufacture (CROSBI ID 467940)

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Figurić, Mladen ; Greger, Krešimir The Correlation between the Realization of time Quota and the Spoilage Percentage in Mechanical Manufacture // Zborník z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Kvalita v čalunnictve / Rašner, J. (ur.). Zvolen: Tehničko Sveučilište u Zvolenu (TUZ), 1998. str. 132-136

Podaci o odgovornosti

Figurić, Mladen ; Greger, Krešimir


The Correlation between the Realization of time Quota and the Spoilage Percentage in Mechanical Manufacture

The problem of high production quota exceedings accompanied by a high percentage of spoilage is a phenomenon occurring in almost every enterprise. It is a consequence of linking the personal earnings to the number of manufactured parts, irrespective of their quality. The research on the correlation between the percentage of the production quota exceeding and the percentage of spoilage helps to test the justifiability of linking the earnings to the production quota fulfillment. The article offers a proposition for setting up of a stimulative pay system which would combine the quantity and quality factors. Two prerequisites should be satisfied before such a stimulative system can be put into effect: the introduction of the time study & analysis and quality control.

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Rašner, J.

Zvolen: Tehničko Sveučilište u Zvolenu (TUZ)

Podaci o skupu

Kvalita v čalunnictve



Zvolen, Slovačka

Povezanost rada

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