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Study of the hygienisation effect of separated cow liquid manure used as bedding (CROSBI ID 113480)

Prilog u časopisu | izvorni znanstveni rad

Novak, Pavel ; Treml, Ferenc ; Vokralova, Jelena ; Vlaskova, Suzana ; Slegerova, Suzana ; Tofant, Alenka ; Vučemilo, Marija Study of the hygienisation effect of separated cow liquid manure used as bedding // Stočarstvo, 58 (2004), 4; 305-310-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Novak, Pavel ; Treml, Ferenc ; Vokralova, Jelena ; Vlaskova, Suzana ; Slegerova, Suzana ; Tofant, Alenka ; Vučemilo, Marija


Study of the hygienisation effect of separated cow liquid manure used as bedding

The study is aimed to determine the safety and feasibility of using separated manure as a bedding material for dairy cows. High bacterial populations in bedding material will influence the high level of bacteria counts on udder surfaces (particularly teat ends) and increase risk of mastitis. The infection pressure of ambient bacteria also influences overall health status of cow, mainly hoofs and reproductive organs. Reduction of humidity in manure material is the main consideration of separating dairy manure. But when they become mixed with manure and water (urine), rapid growth of environmental mastitis pathogens starts because of available nutrients.

hygienisation; separation; cow liquid manure; bedding

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