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Valve Spring Design - Stress Analysis (CROSBI ID 506583)

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Mahalec, Ivan ; Buktenica, Nebojša ; Ormuž, Krunoslav Valve Spring Design - Stress Analysis / Prof. Dr. Čedomir Duboka (ur.). Beograd: JUMV, 2005

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Mahalec, Ivan ; Buktenica, Nebojša ; Ormuž, Krunoslav


Valve Spring Design - Stress Analysis

The paper considers the surge of a spring, retained at one end and controlled by a cam at the other end. The dynamic stress and the dynamic response factor due to the excitation harmonics of valve lift function are being analysed and the significant values are being discussed. The 3Dpresentation over the operating range of the engine is being used for both, the response factor and the shearing stress. By means of that stress the additional dynamic force at the moving end of the spring is being calculated

internal combustion engine; valve spring; vibration

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Prof. Dr. Čedomir Duboka

Beograd: JUMV

Podaci o skupu

X EAEC European Automotive Congress



Beograd, Jugoslavija

Povezanost rada
