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Characteristics of Deregulation Process with Respect to the Electric Power Market in Croatia (CROSBI ID 506824)

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Banovac, Eraldo ; Kuzle, Igor ; Tešnjak, Sejid Characteristics of Deregulation Process with Respect to the Electric Power Market in Croatia // Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS International Conference on Power Engineering Systems (ICOPES 05) / Ekel, Petr (ur.). Rio de Janeiro: World Scientific Publishing ; Engineering Society Press, 2005. str. 25-30-x

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Banovac, Eraldo ; Kuzle, Igor ; Tešnjak, Sejid


Characteristics of Deregulation Process with Respect to the Electric Power Market in Croatia

In accordance with electric power sector deregulation in the Republic of Croatia, package of Energy laws that regulate energy activities regulation implementation was accepted. This paper outlines the characteristics of deregulation of the Croatian electricity market, with a special emphasis on the two possible regulatory orientations with respect to the electricity market ; the role of the regulatory body is quantification of service parameters to insure electricity quality, and the principles of modern energy activities regulation approach. The paper emphasizes the importance of enactment of Tariff structure for services in electric power activities provided as public services. The new tariff structure classifies customers into classes, a developed structure of electricity prices and five tariff models, depending on the particular customer class. The regulatory approach, i.e. how to determine the fees for the use of transmission and distribution networks, and the suitable formula for determination of the annual revenue in the distribution of electricity are described as well.

Deregulation; Electricity market; Energy Activities Regulation; Regulatory Body; Tariff System

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Ekel, Petr

Rio de Janeiro: World Scientific Publishing ; Engineering Society Press

Podaci o skupu

Power Engineering Systems (ICOPES 05)



Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Povezanost rada

Elektrotehnika, Ekonomija