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Regulatory overview of the main factors with regard to the renewable energy sources (RES) (CROSBI ID 506825)

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Banovac, Eraldo ; Tešnjak, Sejid ; Pavlović, Darko Regulatory overview of the main factors with regard to the renewable energy sources (RES) // Proceeding of the 4th International conference for renewable energy, energy saving and energy education / Figueredo, Conrado Moreno (ur.). Havana: Technical University for Renewable Energy, 2005. str. 1-8

Podaci o odgovornosti

Banovac, Eraldo ; Tešnjak, Sejid ; Pavlović, Darko


Regulatory overview of the main factors with regard to the renewable energy sources (RES)

From the regulatory point of view, exploitation and consumption of renewable energy resources should be included in national energy laws which set out the national energy sector legal framework. It is important to stress the importance of outlining a national support plan for promotion of electricity generated from the renewable energy sources (RES). In case of the Republic of Croatia the aim is to get closer to the outlined objectives of the European Union regarding the usage volume of renewable energy sources by the year 2010. The Republic of Croatia should determine the minimal share of renewable energy sources for the period from year 2005 to year 2010 along with the way to gather means for fulfilling this minimal share, including the increase in the electricity bills for consumers. This paper analyses the role, jurisdiction and specific tasks of the Energy Regulatory Body with specific reference to the renewable energy sources. It also outlines possible regulatory activities of the Energy Regulatory Body. Furthermore, the paper provides a review of legislative framework, together with the current situation and the future perspectives for the development of renewable energy sources in the Republic of Croatia. The contents of the Register of the Renewable Energy Sources Projects (National RES Register) are described as well.

regulation ; energy regulatory body ; renewable energy sources ; national RES register

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Figueredo, Conrado Moreno

Havana: Technical University for Renewable Energy

Podaci o skupu

International conference for renewable energy, energy saving and energy education (4 ; 2005)

pozvano predavanje


Varadero, Kuba

Povezanost rada

Elektrotehnika, Rudarstvo, nafta i geološko inženjerstvo, Strojarstvo