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Simulation of soot formation and analysis of the "Advanced soot model" parameters in an internal combustion engine (CROSBI ID 507175)

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Ban, Marko ; Duić, Neven ; Priesching, Peter Simulation of soot formation and analysis of the "Advanced soot model" parameters in an internal combustion engine // CD Proceedings of the 3rd Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems / Guzović, Zvonimir (ur.). Zagreb: Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2005

Podaci o odgovornosti

Ban, Marko ; Duić, Neven ; Priesching, Peter


Simulation of soot formation and analysis of the "Advanced soot model" parameters in an internal combustion engine

Environment issues have been in the public focus for decades, resulting in various steps to prevent or minimize dangerous combustion emissions. With the general traffic (transformation of the chemical energy into mechanical) being the main source of the emissions discussed here, main issue in this paper will consider a possible way to minimize emissions in this region. Lately, development of computer based simulations led to new mathematical models and approaches to combustion modelling. Along the usual conventional combustion models which assume certain premises to simplify the problem, new and advanced models that include complex chemical kinetics are being developed. This paper focuses on the soot formation process and the possibilities of its prediction and minimization, if possible. Based on a heavy-duty diesel engine cylinder geometry, a series of calculations were performed using a CFD software package "CFD Workflow Manager" and compared to measurements at five different load points. Variations of the mathematical soot model parameters showed certain patterns which are also described. Also, a description of the rezone meshing strategy that was used for numerical stability is given.

soot; diesel; combustion; cfd

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Guzović, Zvonimir

Zagreb: Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

Podaci o skupu

3rd Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems



Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

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