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Two Sustainable Energy System Analysis Models. A comparison of methodologies and results (CROSBI ID 507422)

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Lund, Henrik ; Duić, Neven ; Krajačić, Goran ; Carvalho, Maria Graça Two Sustainable Energy System Analysis Models. A comparison of methodologies and results // CD Proceedings of 3rd Dubrovnik conference on sustainable development of energy, water, and environment system / Guzović, Zvonko (ur.). Zagreb: Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2005

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Lund, Henrik ; Duić, Neven ; Krajačić, Goran ; Carvalho, Maria Graça


Two Sustainable Energy System Analysis Models. A comparison of methodologies and results

This paper presents a comparative study of two energy system analysis models both designed with the purpose of analysing electricity systems with a substantial share of fluctuating renewable energy. The one model (EnergyPLAN) has been designed for national and regional analyses. It has been used in the design of strategies for integration of wind power and other fluctuating renewable energy sources into the future energy supply. The analyses has mostly been conducted for Denmark, which already today has a CHP share of 50 percent and a wind power share of approximately 20 percent of the electricity demand. The model has been used to investigate new operation strategies as well as investments in flexibility in order to utilise wind power and avoid excess production. The other model (H2RES) has been designed to simulate the integration of renewable sources and hydrogen into island energy systems. The H2RES model can use wind, solar and hydro as renewable energy sources and Diesel blocks as back up. The load in the model can be represented by hourly and deferrable electricity load of power system, by hydrogen load for transport and water load depending on water consumption. The H2RES model has also integrated hydrogen loop (fuel cell, electrolyser and hydrogen storage) in order to increase the penetration of intermittent renewable energy sources or to achieve 100% renewable island. Beside the hydrogen storage, H2RES supports batteries and reversible hydro as energy storages. The latest version of H2RES model has integrated grid connection with mainland. The H2RES model was tested on the power system of Porto Santo island, Madeira, Portugal, Corvo and Graciosa islands, Azores islands, Portugal and Sal island, Cape Verde. This paper presents the results of using the two different models on the same case, the island of Mljet, Croatia. The paper compares the methodologies and results of mutual benefits and with the purpose of identifying improvements of both models.

renewable energy; islands; energy storage; hydrogen; fuel cells; H2RES model; energyPlan

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Guzović, Zvonko

Zagreb: Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

Podaci o skupu

3rd Dubrovnik conference on sustainable development of energy, water, and environment system



Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

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