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Influences of European Three Minute-Silence on Operation of UCTE Power System (CROSBI ID 507500)

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Kuzle, Igor ; Mandić, Niko ; Tešnjak, Sejid Influences of European Three Minute-Silence on Operation of UCTE Power System // Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE PowerTech / Voropai, Nikolai I. (ur.). Irkutsk: IEEE PES&Energy Systems Institute, 2005. str. 1-6 ; Ref. 287-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Kuzle, Igor ; Mandić, Niko ; Tešnjak, Sejid


Influences of European Three Minute-Silence on Operation of UCTE Power System

In September 11th 2001 was attack on New York and in March 11th 2004 was attack on Madrid. As an expression of solidarity with the American and Spain people, Europe has declared 14 September and 15 March a days of mourning, respectively. During the three minute-silence period experimental tests were carried in Croatian National Dispatching Centre. Results indicated that the load, in the first case decreased about 2030 MW with frequency increased 113 mHz. In the second case frequency increased 83 mHz and load decreased about 1500 MW. The evaluation of the performed measurements showed control behavior of the European power system.

frequency; frequency measurement; power frequency characteristic; power system; primary control

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nije evidentirano

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Podaci o prilogu

1-6 ; Ref. 287-x.



Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Voropai, Nikolai I.

Irkutsk: IEEE PES&Energy Systems Institute

Podaci o skupu

2005 IEEE St. Petersburg PowerTech



Sankt Peterburg, Ruska Federacija

Povezanost rada
