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RTDI Benchmarking: an overview of Croatia (CROSBI ID 756225)

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Bečić, Emira RTDI Benchmarking: an overview of Croatia // Workshop: Benchmarking RTDI Organizations in Central and Southeast European Countries. 2004.

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Bečić, Emira


RTDI Benchmarking: an overview of Croatia

Since 2001, the global economy has experienced a downturn in economic performance, and this has intensified the challenges facing Europe in its efforts to progress towards a knowledge-based economy. The EU considers benchmarking a critical issue in its policy efforts to create an optimal European Research Area. The paper analyzing state of arts of Croatia in the area of RTDI benchmarking and presents a set of indicators, which help us to understanding position of Croatia in the frame of EU-25 concerning on the position in science, technology and the knowledge economy. The paper highlights a number of developments of importance to the Croatia: RTD policy: Institutional structures and policy development (policy documents related to innovation policy) ; Institutional changes: for better steering of S&T system and supporting science-industry cooperation ; RTD Indicators and innovation performance: a conceptual approach: Follows a broad trend towards composite type of indicators which are composed of several indicators (which capture different dimensions, levels and stages of innovation activities (performance). The paper point out benchmarking RTD in case of Croatia respected that is not defining officially on policy level. The paper presents the latest updated results of the composite indicators for both the investment in knowledge-based economy and the performance in the transition to the knowledge-based economy. The data show the recent progress made by the EU-25 and ranking of Croatia.

benchmarking RTDI; benchmarking indicators

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Workshop: Benchmarking RTDI Organizations in Central and Southeast European Countries


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