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Application of the Analytic Element Model in the Delineation of the Well Field Protection Zones ; The Case of Lužani, Croatia (CROSBI ID 508787)

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Nakić, Zoran Application of the Analytic Element Model in the Delineation of the Well Field Protection Zones ; The Case of Lužani, Croatia // Knjiga sažetaka 3. Hrvatskog geološkog kongresa / Velić, Ivo ; Vlahović, Igor ; Biondić, Ranko (ur.). Zagreb: Hrvatski geološki institut, 2005. str. 225-226-x

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Nakić, Zoran


Application of the Analytic Element Model in the Delineation of the Well Field Protection Zones ; The Case of Lužani, Croatia

The paper presents the application of the Analytic Element Model (AEM) in the delineation of the time-of-travel capture zones for two drinking water production wells at the location of the Lužani well field. In this case, the conceptual modelling concept was applied, where the model elements were superimposed on top of binary base map showing topographic network. Domain with differing properties was enclosed within the area of the alluvial deposits of the Orljava River, defining the area of inhomogenity with different values of hydraulic conductivity. The Orljava River was depicted as a complex analytic element, represented by a string of a straight line elements, which approximate the geometry of the river. The results of the AEM revealed the composite time of travel capture zones with 5- and 10-year isochrones. The outer flow lines and the 5-year isochrone were delineated as the boundaries of the third zone of sanitary protection for the Lužani well field.

analytic elements; mathematical modelling; well field protection

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Velić, Ivo ; Vlahović, Igor ; Biondić, Ranko

Zagreb: Hrvatski geološki institut

Podaci o skupu

3. hrvatski geološki kongres



Opatija, Hrvatska

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Rudarstvo, nafta i geološko inženjerstvo